
This cartoon is very true.  Illegal immigrants come to the country and demand rights from our government, and at the same time hate Americans and for some reason cannot comprehend why we are upset about them being here.  I find it rediculous that these illegals have marches and parades and protests when they do not even deserve to be in this country.


This cartoon is saying that the illegal immigration problem is being mantianed because illegal immigrants do not want to come to America in the condition that it is in with the economic crisis. 


The big time company executives are not happy with illegal immigration, but at the same time, they do not mind because they do not have to follow the law when it comes to minimum wage, health care, and benifits.


This cartoon is very funny because it contradicts waht we are trying to achieve.  The workers on the fence are hireing illegal immigrants to work on it.  There actually was a case about a year ago when this actually happened and a company working on tha fence build was caught with illegal workers.


America doesnt mind invading other countries and now Mexico is invading ours.