Throughout history, people have immigrated illegally to escape war, repression, and poverty in thier home country.  They come to America to seek better jobs that would not be available in thier country.  They also seek an oppurtunity to give their family a better life.  A life that has things like job opportunity and great education programs.  These people in search of a better life are, in fact, criminals by American standards.  They are jumping ahead of a line that thousands of people are waiting in to gain entry into this country, and it is not fair.

Immigration and Nationality Act was passed in 1952.  It was first intended to keep illegal immigrants out by making them register for temporary citezenship.  In 1952, however, immigration was not as big an issue as it is today.  The act has since turned into a means to capture and deport all illegal aliens.  This law also had a system of who was allowed to register.  Based on smarts and ability to work, certian illegals were granted citizenship before others.