1.       Where are you from?  Mexico

2.       How did you come to the U.S.?  On a temporary visa

3.       Is the visa still good?  No.  It has expired.

4.       How do you plan on becoming an American citizen?  I have married a citizen.

5.       Are you afraid that you might be deported?  Yes it is scary that I cannot get a real job and get benefits for me or my kids.

6.       Do you think that our immigration laws are fair?  Yes they are.  But I am still going to try anything I can to stay here.

7.       Do you think that all illegal immigrants are stereotyped?  Yes.  Everyone thinks we are all bad people but I am a good person and a good mother.

8.       Why did you come to America in the first place?  Because I lived in a poor area and I didn’t want my children to have that kind of life.

9.       What would you do if you were to become a citizen?  I would be very happy and grateful.

10.   What would you do if you were deported?  I would do anything I could to try to come back to the U.S.



This person is a reliable source because she has been through all of the complicated processes that would allow her to come to the U.S.  She is also fighting a battle right now to become a full time citizen of this country, so she knows about all of the laws and loopholes that could be used when talking about illegal immigration.  This person wishes to remain an anonymous source because they are currently in this country illegally.  She hopes that her dreams will come true and she can become a real American citizen. 


We have learned a lot from our research.  We have learned that there are many hardships and problems that people must go through in these situations.  It is very difficult for them to adapt to a new life in America, because when they get here, it is not as glamorous and easy as it may seem.  We have also learned much more about the legal process when it comes to becoming an American citizen.  Even though these people go through a great ordeal, we still stand by our original idea that illegal immigration should not be taken lightly and that punishment does need to be harsher than current laws say.